
Hanging baskets: our corner of the market

Every year, from June to October, these vibrant jewels sway across the cityscape in sparkling colour. If you see a king-sized hanging basket in the downtown core, you are likely enjoying a Florenco basket.

View our Hanging Basket Video.

Throughout Vancouver, Florenco hangs and maintains nearly 900 king-sized hanging baskets. Local Business Improvement Associations recognize the value of beautification within the city’s commercial areas and are the largest clients of hanging baskets.

Life cycle of Florenco hanging baskets: 100% recycled

What started as an experiment at the Bentall Centre has turned into a major project, refined over 25 years. The baskets have also evolved over the years with updated hardware and vigorous plant materials. The hardware is prepared in February, the baskets are fully planted by March and then nurtured for two months in a greenhouse. Installation occurs in June and is maintained until the end of October. Late night watering optimizes water useage. At the end of the season, the baskets are removed, cleaned and returned to our grower for storage until next season. The frames and chains are re-used annually while the plants and moss are composted. Zero waste.

Comprehensive commercial landscaping: professional landscape maintenance for Vancouver property managers and BIAs

Florenco provides commercial landscape design, installation and maintenance.

Speak to a Florenco staff member about how your properties could benefit from a professional landscape maintenance schedule.